SIP calling has become a popular way for businesses to communicate, but how do you actually use it? We’ve got you covered with a step-by-step guide.

How to Use SIP Calling for Your Business

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What is SIP Calling?

SIP calling is a popular VoIP solution that offers many benefits for businesses. It can be used to make and receive calls over the internet, and it offers a wide range of features that can be beneficial for businesses. Let’s take a closer look at how SIP calling can be used for your business.

SIP Calling Protocol

SIP is the real-time communication protocol for VoIP calls. SIP Calling starts with an IP address and uses the internet to connect two or more devices for voice or video calls. The SIP protocol is widely used for VoIP calls because it offers high call quality and low latency — meaning there is no delay in the audio or video.

For businesses, SIP Calling can be used to connect employees who are working remotely or in different locations. Calls can be made between desk phones, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. SIP Calling can also be used to make and receive calls from the public switched telephone network (PSTN).

To make a SIP call, you will need a SIP client (or software) installed on your device. There are many free and paid SIP clients available, such as Zoiper, X-Lite, and 3CX. Once you have a SIP client installed, you will need to create a SIP account with a VoIP provider (or service). A VoIP provider will assign you a unique SIP address (usually in the form of an email address) and provide you with settings to configure your software or app.

Once your software or app is configured with your VoIP account settings, you will be able to make and receive calls using your new Sip address.

SIP Calling Features

SIP features are designed to give you more control over your calls, and to make managing your business communications much easier.

Some of the main features of SIP calling include:
– Voicemail: unheard messages can be stored on a central server for easy retrieval. You can also choose to have voicemails emailed to you as an audio file.
– Call Forwarding: enables you to forward calls to another extension or phone number, so you never miss a call.
– Call Waiting: lets you know when someone is trying to reach you, even if you’re already on a call.
– Conference Calling: allows multiple people to join a call, whether they’re in the same room or across the world.
– Caller ID: displays the caller’s name and number before you answer the call.
– Click to Call: lets you place calls directly from your computer, without having to pick up the phone.

How to Use SIP Calling for Your Business

SIP calling can save your business money on long distance and international calls. It can also help improve your call quality and give you more features than a traditional phone system. If you’re not sure how to use SIP calling for your business, this article will give you a few tips.

Setting up a SIP Server

There are a few things you need in order to set up a SIP server. First, you need a static IP address that can be reached from the internet. You also need a domain name, which can be provided by a domain name service such as or Once you have these, you can set up your router to port forward UDP port 5060 to the static IP address of the computer that will be running the SIP server software.

Once you have your router configured, you can download and install one of the many available SIP server software packages. Asterisk is a popular open source option, and trixbox is a pre-configured Asterisk package that includes additional features such as voicemail and call recording. After installing your chosen software, you will need to configure it with your static IP address, domain name, and password information for the SIP accounts that will be used by your business.

SIP clients are software programs that allow users to place and receive VoIP calls using a SIP account. There are many different SIP clients available, both for computers and for mobile devices. Some of the most popular include X-Lite, Zoiper, and Bria. Once you have set up your SIP server and downloaded a SIP client, you can begin making VoIP calls from your business line using high-speed internet instead of traditional phone lines!

Configuring Your IP Phones

To use SIP calling with your business, you’ll need to configure your IP phones to connect to your SIP server. Each phone will need to be configured with the IP address or hostname of your SIP server, as well as the port number that the server is using for SIP traffic. Most SIP servers use port 5060 by default, but you’ll need to check with your provider to be sure.

Once you have the IP address and port number for your SIP server, you’ll need to enter them into each IP phone that you want to use for SIP calling. The specific steps for doing this will vary depending on the make and model of your phone, but in general you’ll need to access the phone’s settings menu and find the options for configuring a SIP connection. Once you’ve found these options, enter in the IP address or hostname of your SIP server, as well as the port number that the server is using.

After you’ve entered in the information for your SIP server, save the changes and reboot your phone. Once it comes back online, it should be able to connect to the SIP server and start making and receiving calls.

Connecting Your IP Phones to the SIP Server

To connect your IP phones to the SIP server, you will need to configure the phone’s network settings. The specific settings will vary depending on your IP phone model, but you will need to enter the IP address or domain name of your SIP server, as well as the server’s port number. You may also need to provide a username and password for authentication purposes. Once the network settings are configured, your IP phone should be able to connect to the SIP server and place or receive calls.

SIP Calling Benefits for Businesses

SIP calling can save your business money on your phone bill each month. With SIP calling, you can make and receive calls using an Internet connection instead of a traditional phone line. SIP calling can also help improve your business’ customer service. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of SIP calling for businesses.

Cost Savings

The first and most obvious benefit of VoIP for business is the cost savings. With VoIP, businesses only need to pay for the broadband internet connection, and VoIP calls are made over the internet instead of traditional phone lines. This can lead to significant savings on your monthly phone bill.

In addition, VoIP calls are often cheaper than traditional calls, so you can save even more money by switching to VoIP. For businesses that make a lot of long distance or international calls, VoIP can be a great way to save money.

Another cost-saving benefit of VoIP is that you can use your existing internet connection for both your data and your voice traffic. This eliminates the need for a separate voice line, which can further reduce your monthly costs.

Improved Productivity

SIP-based VoIP has been shown to improve an organization’s communication and collaboration, which in turn boosts productivity. By converging your voice and data traffic over a single network, SIP allows employees to share resources and communicate in real time regardless of location. This not only cuts down on travel time and expenses, but also enables remote workers to be just as productive as their on-site counterparts. In addition, SIP calling features such as call forwarding, call recording, and caller ID help ensure that calls are handled efficiently and correctly the first time around, further reducing the need for costly follow-up calls.

Enhanced Mobility

SIP calling offers businesses enhanced mobility compared to traditional phone systems. With SIP, employees can make and receive calls from any location with a broadband Internet connection. This is ideal for businesses with employees who travel or work remotely.

SIP also allows businesses to add or remove phone lines as needed, without incurring additional hardware or installation costs. This gives businesses the flexibility to scale their operations up or down as business conditions dictate.